Physical Abuse or Assault Victims

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Sorrentino Legal | Connecticut Lawyers for Physical Abuse or Assault Victims

Nothing can be harder than facing your abuser or perpetrator. The feelings abuse victims live with each day can vary significantly and it is not uncommon to feel shame, guilt, fear or even hopefulness. If you’ve been the victim of domestic violence, physical or sexual abuse in Connecticut, Sorrentino Legal can help you get justice for the abuse you’ve needlessly suffered. And bring some closure to a traumatic event.

Filing a Confidential Lawsuit in Connecticut 

Our firm will work tirelessly to fight aggressively to make sure those responsible pay for their despicable actions. At the same time, we understand the sensitive nature of your situation, the utmost importance for absolute confidentiality, and personal need to keep your identity secret.

We are familiar with all necessary court procedures and can file a lawsuit anonymously so that your name will not appear on any filings or public records in order to protect your identity. You will be named as a John or Jane Doe plaintiff. This means that you can still get justice and confront your abuser, but without making your story public.

What are the types of Abuse Cases in Connecticut our firm can handle?

Our firm handles many different types of abuse cases against either individual perpetrators or institutions. Some of the types of abuse cases include the following:

  • Physical Abuse cases
  • Sexual Abuse cases
  • Domestic Violence Victims
  • Sexual Abuse cases against medical professionals
  • Nursing Home Abuse or neglect cases
  • School Abuse cases
  • Parochial School Abuse
  • Church Abuse cases
  • Child Abuse
  • Boy Scouts Abuse
  • Battery and Assault

What are the time limitations for filing lawsuit for abuse victim in Connecticut?

The time frame to file a lawsuit depends on your age and the type of abuse you suffered. Victims of sexual abuse, exploitation or sexual assault who were abused as a child have until 48 years of age to file a law suit. Children or those abused when they were under the age of 21 have until age 51 to bring suit if the abuse occurred after October 1, 2019.

If you or a loved one was sexually or physically assaulted as an adult, you are generally limited to 3 years from the date of the abuse to file suit. However, there are always exceptions, and you should always consult an experienced attorney to determine whether or not you have a case.

One such exception is for victims of abusers who are convicted of 1st Degree Sexual Assault. There is no time limit to file a lawsuit against an abuser who has been convicted of 1st Degree Sexual Assault.

How is the value of a Physical or Sexual Abuse case determined?

The case value for a victim of physical or sexual abuse depends on many factors. Some factors affecting case value include the responsible parties involved, the types of injuries or abuse suffered, whether or not there is any lasting or permanent harm suffered whether physical or emotional harm.

Given the traumatic nature of abuse physical or sexual victims, it is common not only to suffer physical injury, but more importantly mental and emotional harm. You might suffer from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, substance abuse issues, personality disorders or other mental illness.

Contact an Experienced Connecticut Lawyer for Physical or Sexual Abuse Victim for a Free Consultation Today.

Attorney Brad Sorrentino has an academic and vocational background in psychology and understands your treatment needs; above all, he has empathy for your situation. Remember, it is not your fault and you or your loved one should never have to feel that way again.

Contact Sorrentino Legal at (203) 518-8010 today for a free consultation to discuss your potential physical or sexual assault case.